I think this is something worth the time of all women and maybe some men to read and share with everyone. I’m still learning about politics, because it’s something that I have never really cared for. Though, as I am growing up I’m realizing my vote is important, and my vote should be educated.

Margaret and Helen


Margaret, do you remember how angry we were the day we finally realized that women’s legs are not harder to shave than men’s faces, but rather razors made for women can’t hold a candle to those made for men? And the women’s razors are more expensive to boot. I’d like to meet the asshats at Gillette and give them a piece of my mind. Did they really think we wouldn’t mind just because they made the razors pink?

And speaking of pink, this whole mess with Komen should be a wake-up call to women everywhere. Komen knew damn well that this had nothing to do with mammograms and everything to do with politics. They just thought we wouldn’t notice because the ribbons were pink. They knew what they were getting when they hired Karen Handel. She ran for office in Georgia with a campaign promise to close down Planned…

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~ by Raidyn on February 6, 2012.

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